Friday, November 13, 2015

Taking Time Out.

Great things are happening. Thank you Jesus!! I am so so busy, I don't even have time to be tired. I have to ride this momentum. I am so close to my goals...I can just about touch it with my fingertips...  No matter what is happening or what task I need to be completing, I MUST stop, I Will stop and give my thanks and my praise to my Father God. I'm so glad you decided to claim me. Once I really understood our relationship, that's when You showed up and showed out in my life. I am so thankful and unworthy of your grace and mercy, but I promise I will continue to allow Your way in my life. I know your vision is 200 times bigger than mine and I will trust you in all things. Your Loving Daughter, In Jesus Name, Amen

Saturday, October 31, 2015

God is truly amazing. If you had asked me 5 years ago what I’d be doing now, I would have never said, Owning and programming an Internet Radio Station, being an Affiliate Marketer, a Travel Agent, and a Nurse. I really thought my nursing days were behind me (39 yrs is long enough, right?) but God led me to my current position where I am appreciated. I was told by my DON that she wants me to be happy there so I’ll stay awhile, isn’t that the best? Although Nursing is my first job and I will always love it, Music is my passion. It’s been that way since I was a young child.

I would always save my allowance to buy music. I would dance and sing along in our living room. Those were happy times. I even thought of myself as a singer, especially since I recorded myself singing one of my favorite songs by Natalie Cole. Everyone was so surprised by my voice, some even doubted it was really me. However, I had terrible stage fright and it wasn’t until I was a grown woman that I tackled and conquered that fear. Now I mostly sing for myself, although I was in a play that required me to sing which was pretty well received.
I still enjoy great music, regardless of genre. I love great music with wonderful lyrics, that’s the best to me. WDGP allows me to continue to immerse myself in great music. Not that great music we hear on FM radio, there is so much more variety than that and so many talented Indie Artists. God has blessed me to be in a position to grant them a platform to display those talents and in addition, a platform for the Children of Children’s World Of Music (CWOM) to display their talents when CWOM is fully operational.

We were functioning on a limited basis with piano, voice and drama in a co-operative situation, but lost the space. We of course don’t know the meaning of “giving up” so we are building funds to get a space conductive t our goals for CWOM and this is where you can help. It’s coming to the end of the year and you need to get yourselves some tax deductions, why not let us be one. We will happily accept your donations either directly (info found at our website or our crowd funding page either way, we will provide donation documentation.

Once we have a space, we will then need instructors, instruments, computers, recording equipment and more so we can remain your cause for a long time. To find out what we are all about, visit out website, You can contact me at if you’re interested in donating time or equipment as well.

Over the years I have met some amazing human beings who have enriched me beyond measure. These are folks who are and are not a part of the music scene but have great insight into business (which includes music) specifically, and Life in general. I have learn much and been reinforced greatly and I am appreciative and love them all. I do realize that I will continue to meet more people that will continue to impact who I am and I welcome that. God always sends us who and what we need to continue the journey to His plan for us. I don’t know about you, but I am enjoying the journey. So here’s to the next 5 years and beyond! I hope you travel it with me.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

You Can Help

 I am stuck.  I know what I am it to do, however, I am not seeing a way to get it done.  I need money to do what I want to do, if I take the time to do what I want and need to do, I cannot work in the traditional sense.  If I continue to work, I won’t be able to do what I want and need to do to reach my goals for Children’s World of Music (CWOM). Still I must find a way to work to maintain my lifestyle and build this vision. It will take the entire village.
I know I trust God, I know he got me, I know he did not bring me this far to fail me.  I know I have to step out one faith. To that end, I have resigned my current job, trusting I will get something closer to home that will allow me to continue build the foundation for CWOM. I believe that this will be successful because it is what I was called to do it is something I know I will enjoy doing and it will keep me spiritual satisfied and grateful to be of use in a positive manner.
It is my hope, that anyone I have shown a kindness, provided a service, assisted in any way, will remember me and assist me in Children’s World of Music.  CWOM really needs everyone’s help not just in assisting but in helping get the word out about Children’s World of Music.
In addition to financial donations, we are in need of a place to provide service, instructors of various instruments, dance instructors, clerical assistance, grant writers to assist us in obtaining grants, computers and computer software to assist in audio and film production, vocal coaches, reading coaches and much more.
If you have a skill set we need please contact us via phone 301-358-3801 or email For donations go to our website, where you can donation info, or go to our crowd funding page

Please remember it’s all for our Children. If we don’t do it, who will? Help us make their world beautiful one note at a time. 

Friday, June 19, 2015


When I was younger, it was nothing to just move by faith. As I aged it became harder to do, even though I had faith, I just didn't do somethings. Even though I spoke faith, there seem an invisible barrier to acting on that faith.  For the last year, I seemed t be stuck. Knowing what I needed to do, knowing God got me, knowing He has never let me down, I was...stuck..

The Father was constantly showing me that I was somewhere I didn't need to be. Projects I tried to initiate, never got off the ground. I had always gone to my J-O-B and  then come home and worked on goals but in the last six months or so I had no energy to work my goals. It was all I could do to make it home feeling exhausted. I begin to pray and ask God for guidance.

One day I was setting in a meeting feeling like I was 10 years old being chastised for an imagined wrong doing. It was at that moment I heard Him say "How much more do I need to show you? It's time to move daughter." clear as a bell. I decided right then that I had had enough of working in that hostile, prejudice, controlling environment.
By the time I had gotten home, I had convinced myself to not go back. I called out the next day and got a call from a co-worker I respect. She told me she had put her resignation in. I told her I wasn't coming back. She understood my feeling but gently encouraged me to give them notice. I thought on it, prayed about it and returned to work the next day and gave two weeks notice. It was official. Once again I would step out on my faith and trust God completely. I felt mo fear, just confidence that I was doing the right thing.

"If what is ahead scares you, and what is behind hurts you, just look above. He never fails to help you"

The little money I had quickly began to disappear, but do you know that when God says move, and you do, He takes care of everything. I was talking with a friend who asked me if I had applied for unemployment benefits. I told her I had not because I wasn't sure I qualified. She asked what reason I gave for leaving my J-O-B I told her and she said that when she done the same thing for the same reason she got benefits. She encouraged me a couple of more days and I did apply for my benefit. I got a letter a couple f days later informing me that there would be a hearing to see if I was truly eligible for benefits. The date was a whole month away. I continued looking for part time work as I had been even months before I decided to leave the J-O-B. I was praying that I'd have something in place before the hearing but this was not to be. The hearing was held and even though the decision was not made that day, I knew in my heart that I would be denied, yet I did not panic. As I stated before I was never even considering filing until my friend convinced me to give it a shot so I was out nothing. 
In between the job seeking, I worked on the radio station website and Children's World of Music (CWOM). I got a lot done, I seemed revitalized, empowered. I was getting it all done and spending quality time with my grandchildren.

It took me took me almost 3 months to find the part time work I was seeking but in that time, despite the fact that I was out of money 3 weeks after I left that J-O-B, I paid 2 bills 1 week late. There is no way I would have been able to maintain my household if it were no for God's grace and mercy. I thank him everyday throughout each day. I will continue this faith walk even when I can not see the path. I know God got me. I will move when he says so.

If you would like t assist me in reaching my financial goal for CWOM go here  Thank you

Sunday, May 17, 2015


What is much harder than a developing a dream is to get others to see your vision and believe in it as you do. This is my predicament  now. I have the dream in my soul, I have done what was necessary to make Children's World of Music become a real thing, a non profit. Yes we are a 501(c)3, we are all incorporated, we have bylaws. We have a board of Directors. We have Officers. What we don;t have are funds; funds to secure a building, funds to purchase or rent instruments, funds to pay instructors, funds to buy equipment to record, funds to do fundraiser events. We need funds. We need people, organizations, businesses and all to see the vision, feel the vision, be the change, help us.

We want to be the safe place. The place children can come to express their talents and individuality. Where they don't have to worry about peer pressure. Where they can get tools they will use for the rest of their lives. Where they can learn to play music, write music, dance, perform, record and more.

We want to help them take the correct paths instead of following the wrong paths into delinquency, crime and/or drugs, We to awaken that thing in them that will propel them towards the moon so they land in the stars. We want to help them excel in academics (music aids in math and science) awaken their imaginations, make the impossible possible, but we can't do it alone, we need you, and you and you to help us make a difference.

Please help with your time, your talent, used instruments, and/ or your money. We need you, the Children need you, the future needs you. Please visit our crowd funding page, if you can't contribute (and there is no amount too small), help by sharing our page and our message on all your social media. Use our link as your email signature. Use your imagination and ideas to help us reach our goals. Time is of the essence, please help today. If you are a business entity or organization looking for a non profit to sponsor, we are here. Visit our webisite  Children's World of to find out more about us. Thank you in advance. God Bless.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Weekend

This has been a great weekend for me. My intuition is sharp and I know I am on the correct path. It was confirmed Friday night when I went to the Good Friday program at my church. When my sister first informed about the service,  I was lukewarm. Fridays are always hard for me I am always tired from the week. On Friday morning, I awoke tired as usually but by the time I got to work I was feeling better. I think it was because I had made the decision to go to the service that evening. I was now looking forward to it.

One of my Brother and a Sister spoke during the program. There were seven speakers and they had all been given a scripture to explain. In between the speakers were songs and dancers. My Brother has always been shy and so I was amazed at the fact that he was speaking, but I was blow away by his message. My sister has always been a great speaker and she good as were the other speakers. I was really enjoying the service and thanking God for all my blessings.

After the closing prayer, we all were socializing saying hi to each other and catching up. I was giving and getting hugs and kisses and feeling so much love and peacefulness. Then the First Lady of the church came over to speak to me and I just reached out and hugged her, something came over me and I told her I loved her (She is an awesome woman of Christ). She said she needed that and hugged me tighter. As we were embraced this feeling came over the both of us and she begin speaking in tongues and saying she felt that, so did I it was like a jolt of energy and I was instantly changed. She kept saying that I was anointed. This wasn't the first time I have been told this. Another minister had told me this many years ago in my youth. This time I was so overwhelmed with this feeling of joy. I knew in that instant that the goals I have set for myself will be fulfilled. Before the First Lady came over to us I had been telling my Sister about my vision and asking for her help. After the encounter with the First Lady, I couldn't even finish my explanation to my Sister, but she, who is also a spiritual soul, simply said, “Yes, I help you no problem.”

Saturday afternoon, I did my Blogtalk Radio Show where I talked with Laurel Nicolosi and one of her sponsor or “Upline” Ronnie Branch. It was a good show they gave some good information, so good that I became a customer. And you'll never guess, Ronnie joined my social network, Internet Marketers, God is good, and  life great. I felt I needed to fortify myself, not just spiritually but physically as well. I was led to purchase their Vitality packs because they seem to have the nutrients a body requires for good health. I’ll let you know in about a month if I notice any benefit from taking them. I have a feeling I will.

My main goal is to replace my current income from a JOB and do what I want when I want. One thing I want to do is to start a program to help adolescent females grow into self-confident, accomplished women. Everyone keeps telling me girls are hard, but that's what has been put on my heart. Having raised daughters, I think today’s teenagers need a lot more guidance and there are so many programs for boys, the girls are being overlooked. With all that’s in the news lately, all the physical abuse, murders of Mothers and Daughters, and with the economic problems, like the Boys and Girls Clubs having to downsize, it just seems that now is the time. So this is what I will be working on. My first step is to raise some money for my project. I’ll let you know how I progress.

Editor's Note: I originally wrote this blog entry in April of 2009 for some reason, it was never posted. I post it now because as I read it, I realized that I have indeed been on my path and the joy is in looking back and seeing my growth. The program for Girls evolved into a music based program for all children. God gave me that and I have in deep in my heart and soul. It is now a reality, I am working hard on building our funds, Our first fundraiser for the public is scheduled for May 30th 2015. God is great and worthy to be praised!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

10 Things To Do When People Disappoint You

Recently, I became disappointed in some some folks, I know, big surprise right? After all, that's what folks do most often. It's an inevitable part of the human experience. While I was still licking my wounds,  I came across an article on written by Mark Jaffe (Feel free to read the entire article by following the link)  It made laugh and I recognized which one I used. As you read through them, think about which one(s) you use and which ones you recognize in others.

1. Throw a tantrum. Sometimes people don't fathom how serious the situation is, or how badly they've failed you...until you scream loudly. Forget abstractions. Show them in real time by acting out your rage and sense of betrayal. They'll thank you for the clarity! Don't forget to hurl a few extra-spicy epithets while you're at it. Preparation and rehearsal are key to successful execution. Practice in front of a mirror or a friend, if you have one. For me, after reading this article, I did #10

2. Pout. Perhaps you were told otherwise as a child, but most folks really love this. It's adorable...and effective! Just pretend that you're Mommy's little prince or Daddy's little princess and see what happens. You can be angry without having to justify yourself or even admit to any feelings at all. No one gets their wishes met more quickly than the pouter. Stay the course and they'll eventually come around.

3. Condescend. Another time-honored strategy that will have your intended recipient dizzy with contrition. Superior is good; haughty is even better. Speak to the person as if they were mentally impaired. Ask for explanations and then respond by saying, "I don't understand. Can you explain it again?" Interrupt whenever possible. Make 'em squirm, back 'em up against the wall and squish 'em like helpless bugs. Then see how hard they try to win back your respect.

4. Get even. Warm or cold, revenge is a delicious treat. Cook up a batch and watch the remorse eat away at your tormentor. There are so many different ways to inflict pain and humiliate...tantalizing choices all. You can punish your victim in secret or out in the open for everyone to see. Experiment and have fun with it!

5. Criticize. Whether it's directly to someone's face or behind their back, this classic response will never go out of style. The more ridiculous they look, the more vindication you'll feel. Brush up on the insults and let them fly.

6. Get stoned. Have a drink, smoke, snort or capsule. Numb those frazzled nerve endings and simply dull the pain. No one appreciates you anyway, right?

7. Pontificate and intellectualize. It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is that you can define everything on your own terms. Keep talking until their ears bleed.
8. Ignore them. A personal favorite of mine, nothing sends a clear message like putting on the big chill. If you don't acknowledge someone, they cease to exist. Problem solved!
9. Keep your head down and do your job. No commentary required. That's life.

10. Get over it.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Coming From There To Here (Stepping Out On Faith)

Wow, April 16, 2015 already! I never thought I'd be where I am today. The second day of no having to punch a clock and make money fr someone else. Today, it is all about my business. For years I have made money for others while just playing games with myself about taking my own ventures to the next level.

I consider myself a woman of faith, yet I seemed to be stuck, just dabbling in the water instead of taking that plunge. Was it age that gave me pause? When I was younger with small children and so much more to lose, I was bolder, I took chances and I didn't second guess myself or God's plan for me. I wasn't afraid. What happened? I can't claim fear yet I can I not.  When I think of this I am reminded of a story I once heard.

The Drowning Man -

A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the motorboat went on.
Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."
To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"

I had a long talk with myself and then I went to God.  I do not want to be like the drowning man. I have to recognize His help when it arrives. He has given me so many opportunities to do better for myself and my Family. WDGP Radio, Children's World of Music, Simplicity Travel  and so much more..... The out come of Our conversation is what you see now. I am putting "job" on the back burner right now. I am going to focus on my dreams, goals and desires. I am truly on "my" path. I have no one to prove anything to except myself. I am proving that I not only talk the talk but walk the walk. I trust God in all things.

Once I made the decision to let go of the status quo and do a new thing, I got so much confirmation. I have discovered a young woman who is not only as ambitious as I am but thinks just like me. Together we will do big things incorporating the things we love about life. Things like independent music, children, home schooling Black business, and the list goes on.  I have time to work on my non-profit Children's World of Music and I have been asked to partner in some great opportunities. The future looks bright. Thank you Jesus!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

So Much To Be Done... and Time Marches ON

Wow, February 11, 2015 already! It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas. Time is really moving and I have so much to do and so many decisions to make, that may head is spinning.

First, I have got to secure some grants so i can move on to the next stage for Children's World of Music. It is very important to my spirit and well-being that this organization flourish. I will need to give up my Nursing career entirely, due to my circumstances beyond my control. This is going to become my main employment venture because it will do work that will be good for my soul. I have always felt the need to help others and I think helping Children is the best way to do this. I want to have a safe place for Children to feel safe and secure enough to investigate their desires and allow us to help them make dreams come true, one note at a time. Any support given to us in this endeavor will be greatly appreciated.

We are in the planning stages for a couple of fundraising activity, the first to be held in the spring. Details as they become available. Thanks to all who have agreed to aid us.

Secondly, I have to make WDGP Radio be profitable again. This is something I need freedom from my current job to do. I want to re-launch or music download site as soon as possible. The music and the Artists are great, but we need more businesses to support via buying advertising on the station. If you are a small or home based business, please check out rates at WDGP .We are outstanding for USA based business and also great for any  business with an international reach.

I thank God everyday for the vision I have, I know He will make it bigger than I can imagine. I am excited, optimistic, hopeful and yes there is some apprehension. However, I will not be stopped.I am ready to move my feet.