I had every intention of writing a blog today, but little
did I know that I’d have a totally different reason for writing it than I originally
intended. That first reason will have to wait for another day.
Those of you that know me or follow my blog, know that I
have a deep faith that God directs my steps and as such, I have to move my feet
to get the blessings he bestows.
You also know that I am a supporter of multiple streams of
income. In fact, if it were not for multiple streams of income, I would not
have survived the last 3 years since I have not been able to rely on any “job”
for financial security. I would also go
as far as to say that those multiple streams allowed me to stand my ground when
employers wanted me to do strange things like produce more work for less pay,
and longer hours without compensation. I was able to say no even though I ran
the risk of being let go so someone with less backbone and integrity could take
my position and do the employer’s bidding just to keep a “job”. Honestly, I
have never been that person; I have always stood up for me.
It one reason I
work with temp agencies, they allow me some flexibility in scheduling and I
never have to stay with any particular company. I like being able to try them
out before making a long term commitment.
This is the reason I decided to take a temp position when my
last job ended in February.
In actuality,
this particular agency found me via the Internet, (I love the Internet) so I
took what was to be a six week assignment. As it turned out, it was a great
working environment. The staff was friendly, welcoming, capable and cohesive.
This was my dream “job” environment. I had a Director of Nursing who understood
the job I was hired to do and did not put an overload of nonessential duties on
her MDS staff. My co-worker was a person with a similar work history and we had
worked at a number of the same facilities. Beyond that we grew up in the same
neighborhood and knew some of the same people. Even though I was only
contracted for 6 weeks, the job lasted for 3 months. The administrator at the
time told me that he had made a deal with the agency that when I had worked a
particular number of days, that he could offer me a full time position (with
benefits) and that he was waiting for that commitment to end. I was happy and
the staff wanted me to stay, at least that is what they told me, and what they
told the administrator. It was wonderful, and if you believe in adages, it was
too good to last.
The first thing that happened was the best DON I had ever
had the privilege to know left the company. Then, one morning the former regional rep
stopped by morning meeting to inform the staff that he was moving up in the
company and a new person was taking his place. I didn’t know the person leaving
or the person taking his spot , of course, but some of the other staff knew the
new person and they were not at all happy about this change and as a result,
people started resigning and just like that, the perfect team disintegrated.
Then there’s me. I have never been one to run from change so
I just bided my time. I went to work every day and did my best, as I always do.
I felt the tide shifting though and I wanted to alert my agency so they could
start looking for a new placement but every time I called then, I got a
recording, and although I left a couple of messages that I wanted to talk to someone, I did
not get a return call, besides, it would have been difficult to speak freely at
the work site. I made a promise to myself to call and be sure to speak to
someone on Monday.
Now, yesterday I got an email from a guy I recently met
online. He wanted to speak to me about a joint venture. He left a number and I
set a time to call him. Just as we said our hellos, I got a call waiting tone.
I excused myself and when I answered I got the message that the contract was
over and I should not report to work on Monday (tomorrow). Although I wasn’t
shocked or anything, I was surprised they did it today and did not tell on Friday
that the contract was over so I could have taken all my belongings with me.
The point of this story is, I was just about to talk to
this guy about his opportunity and I lost my income. It is so true that God
never closes a door without opening a window. I am working on something as I told
you in the last entry but I need income now and I will need income to fund my
next venture and this opportunity presented to me today just might fill both
pots. I have been given the guidance and the answer even before I had the
question. I am sharing this just to help impress upon you that God is a good
and mighty presence. He supplies all our needs and he has never failed me yet,
I am more confident than ever that I am on my correct path.
I am so overjoyed at this moment. Folks who don’t know God will probably say, “What
overjoyed, she’s mad, no job and she’s overjoyed.” But I know those of you who
do know God can understand. He’s clearing the way for me to reach my finish
line. Amen, Amen, and Amen. So please no matter what you are going through,
trust God to know what move to make on your behalf and remain ready to move
your feet when the time comes.