I am sitting on threshold of my new beginning. I excited, cautious, and determined to obtain my goals this year. I feel God is with me, how can I fail? I feel cautiously triumphant. I realize that obstacles will come, but if I keep a level head and listen to my answer, I know I will make it. I pray the same is also true for you. I will assist in any I can, and will direct you to others who might be able to when I can't.
Things are flowing right along. I regret that I will not be able to provide Online University to The Internet Marketers Network membership just yet, it is not an idea I am giving up on. I simply have to put it on the back burner for now.
I am offering to Internet Marketers Network members another way to advertise. I will be offering rotating banners on the homepage of the network, (Which is the only page on the network viewable and search-able by the public.) which is submitted to hundreds of search engines. This means increased exposure for you. More details will be posted on the Network soon.
I am also involved in a JV with my good friend and partner
Glenn Gordon (GG). If you are not aware, GG is a musician, composer, arranger, independent record label owner and inventor. He is an intelligent and wise businessman and I could not have constructed a better partner (and he's
good looking too ladies). I do feature his band on Conversations.
At any rate, we have a great project in the works and I will be announcing that within the next 2 weeks on my Conversations Show.
If you are an independent business person, with a product or service you'd like to get the word out about, contact me about a guest spot on
Internet Marketers Blogtalk Radio Show. Send an email to dianabroomfield@gmail.com with Internet Marketers Show in the subject please include your contact information, a mini-biography, your website and any other relevant information. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If your an independent artist, writer, composer, manager, poet, and you want to get the word out about you and your project on Internet Radio, Contact me about being a guest on
Conversations on WDKKradio.com If your interested, send an email to Conversations.WDKKradio@gmail.com Put Guest in the subject and include all contact info, head shot, website info, mini-biography and samples of your work in mp3 format. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for staying in touch and for your support. 2010 promises to be a great year. God Bless Us All, Amen