Thursday, June 18, 2009

Empowering Yourself Through Entrpreneurship

This has been a good week. God is truly blessing. Last Saturday, I had the honor of speaking during my church's Women's Day Anniversary Workshop I spoke on the Topic of Empowering Yourself Through Entrepreneurship. It was quite well received and I seemed to have everyone's attention. When I was done I had several questions from the audience. All in all I was very satisfied that I had inspired and encouraged someone to start the journey of living their dreams. I also offered my assistance to anyone that requests it. As I always say if at the end of the day I can say I helped someone, well it was a good day. Later that day I had my usual interview on Internet Marketers BTR show. Because I had been busy all day I had not had a chance to speak to my scheduled guest, as I usually do. Wouldn't you know that this would be the day when there would e a problem? At any rate my guest did not show up but I was able to save the show by discussing what I had just share with the workshop participants. Then what you know a gentleman I met on BlackWomenConnect called in to the show apologizing for calling in late. Wow, can you imagine that? He said he had made himself a note because he had another meeting but he wanted to be sure to participate in the show. Isn't God awesome? It turned out that he is a writer, who wrote a book of Poetry called Love is..a Beautiful Black Woman. God sent him to save the show. I invited him to return to discuss his book and his struggles in greater detail. All in all it was a great day. I am sharing this to show that when your heart is right, things will work out, even when they don't work out as planned. We need to not be so rigid in our thinking and our desires that we can not figure out how to make the best of whatever situations we find ourselves in in life. Let us remain open to receive the blessings that will be bestowed upon us.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today I am so thankful to God for allowing me to find the thing I love to do. I love doing our BTR show. I am meeting so many wonderful people who also enjoy helping others. I hope this will be infectious, Every time some one helps a person that person helps someone else. How awesome this world would be. I have some fantastic guests lined up for the summer. I am so looking forward to sharing them with the listeners. I am sure someone will be blessed by each and every show. I am having that tingling feeling, the one that let's me know I am doing it correctly. May God continue to bless my pursuits and continue to allow me to help. Don't forget join us evert Saturday afternoon at 4pm and add us a favorite. God Bless.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What's on My Mind

Yesterday's Show featured the Sons of Harmony. It was a good show with some old school gospel music. I really enjoyed it and i will be purchasing the CD when it becomes available. Tonight I will be assisting my brother Sylver with his show The Sylver Show he will be interviewing Mr. Brandon Trainer of the Raleigh Black Chamber of Commerce. I am sure it will be an informative one. It is my goal to spotlight as many of the businesses, services and products of the Internet Marketers members as I can. It is my duty to get them to participate. I am trying to get them to avail themselves of this free publicity. One would think I am offering them instant death instead. I guess it is hard for people to believe that anyone wants to help just for the sake of helping. It's funny that although I have had some members take advantage of my offer, It has mostly been those that I know from other places who appear as guest on my show. I am going to make one more offer to my membership and then I will leave it alone and focus on the many other people who are willing to accept my help. I remain motivated to help those I can.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I know this is late but I have been having some personal situations happening. However, I do have a bit to share. Last weekend was a very good one for me on a personal note. I was interviewed by two of my SHE-ROS, Katgurl and Nita on Saturday night. They asked some great questions. I could have gone into more detail but I knew that there was another guest and I wanted to to give him equal time, but, he didn't show up due to personal reasons and it turned out I could have elaborated more but It was all good. They asked my sister, Ms Felecia to speak and speak she did. I find her so inspiring. When I was done with the interview I was so pumped up. It was very well received. It felt good to share with the listeners and it didn't hurt that I had a few fans in the chat room. It always amazes me that I can just go through life doing my thing and touch so many people on such an intimate level. I don't know about you but I am really enjoying this networking thing. Which reminds me. I had a pretty good show myself. I got to interview Kevin Anthony, Comedian. I gotta admit, I was a little nervous at first. You can never be sure what a Comedian will say. Kevin was cool though. a real down to earth guy. He invited me to a pool party the weekend prior to the show and I got to see that he's just a "Regular" guy. He takes his humor straight from life in the style of Richard Pryor but He is his own man. This Saturday, June 6th I get to talk with some of the members of Sons of Harmony. We'll share some good ole inspirational music and talk about Their Ministry. I hope you can join us this Saturday and every Saturday 4pm - 5pm est. I am thinking of chaging the format just a slightly. The Last Saturday of every month will be a Chill with Comedy Show. At least as long as I can find guest to join me. We;ll see how it goes. Well, That's it for now.Hugs and Kisses, Stay Blessed