Thursday, March 10, 2016

Winning Like A Boss! Make Power Moves by Developing a Power Mindset

Well the time has com, and so much sooner than I predicted. My book is now available on Kindle. Please, if you don't have Kindle, don't let that stop you from purchasing the book. There are several free readers for computer and phone you can use to read it.
It is my hope that something in this book will ignite something with in you and start you on your path to being a boss. Get you copy now at the introductory price of $2.99 US. The price will increase without notice. 

Once you have read a digested the contents, please do me the honor of a review. Your kindness will be greatly appreciated by yours truly.

              blue box jewels

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Winning Like A Boss

Well, you've been asking for it and now I am ready to give it to you. Yes, I am putting pen to paper. I am writing my first book. It will come out in e-book format at least initially. The subject matter will be the very things I have been speaking on, which is, Business, doing business, maintaining a business. It will be geared toward female entrepreneurs, although, men can benefit too.

The title is Winning Like A Boss. catchy, isn't it. In it I will lay out my recipe for starting and maintaining your own business. Your passion/purpose will be discussed as well changing your mindset and the path ahead.

This is not a book to teach any shortcuts since they really do not exist. Instead, it will be a common sense approach that you will hopefully return to at various stages in your business progression and maintenance.

It will take through the preparation stage to the launch and beyond. I hope you will enjoy it, learn from it, and use it often.

I expect to have it completed by the end of March with the release shortly thereafter. You can keep up with it as well as other goodies by following my Blog, In addition, look for a show with the same title to join the WDGP Radio format.

To God, be the Glory!