Sunday, May 17, 2015


What is much harder than a developing a dream is to get others to see your vision and believe in it as you do. This is my predicament  now. I have the dream in my soul, I have done what was necessary to make Children's World of Music become a real thing, a non profit. Yes we are a 501(c)3, we are all incorporated, we have bylaws. We have a board of Directors. We have Officers. What we don;t have are funds; funds to secure a building, funds to purchase or rent instruments, funds to pay instructors, funds to buy equipment to record, funds to do fundraiser events. We need funds. We need people, organizations, businesses and all to see the vision, feel the vision, be the change, help us.

We want to be the safe place. The place children can come to express their talents and individuality. Where they don't have to worry about peer pressure. Where they can get tools they will use for the rest of their lives. Where they can learn to play music, write music, dance, perform, record and more.

We want to help them take the correct paths instead of following the wrong paths into delinquency, crime and/or drugs, We to awaken that thing in them that will propel them towards the moon so they land in the stars. We want to help them excel in academics (music aids in math and science) awaken their imaginations, make the impossible possible, but we can't do it alone, we need you, and you and you to help us make a difference.

Please help with your time, your talent, used instruments, and/ or your money. We need you, the Children need you, the future needs you. Please visit our crowd funding page, if you can't contribute (and there is no amount too small), help by sharing our page and our message on all your social media. Use our link as your email signature. Use your imagination and ideas to help us reach our goals. Time is of the essence, please help today. If you are a business entity or organization looking for a non profit to sponsor, we are here. Visit our webisite  Children's World of to find out more about us. Thank you in advance. God Bless.